The ONE Thing [Book]
What’s the ONE Thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary? ~ Gary Keller & Jay Papasan

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results (by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan) is an excellent read for anyone wanting to accomplish something significant in their life. It is about focusing on the one thing now that will make the biggest difference down the road. If you are in a leadership position, applying The […]

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Leadership Strength: How To Confront A “Bullish” Leader
Strength of will is admirable, but not when it comes at a high cost to those around you. The bull leads not from strength of will, but force of will, and the long term results are less than desirable.

You’ve probably met the type. You know, the person that is outspoken but doesn’t care to give others a chance to speak. The person who speaks first and with force as a way to shut down differing opinions. The person who uses words like “should” and “need” liberally when making their point. The person who […]

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Leadership & Arrogance: Don’t Let It Go To Your Head
Leadership: Leaders who alienate people by their arrogance rarely last. But leaders that value people and elevate others create long lasting impact.

I recently published a guest post on that has to do with arrogance in leadership. In many ways, leaders are particularly vulnerable to becoming arrogant. Here is a snippet: Leaders are usually in leadership positions because they have proven themselves in some capacity. They may have had the best technical skills, or the boldest and […]

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When Leading People Is Boring
when leading people is boring. "as leadership responsibility increases, your opportunity to practice your craft decreases. The very thing that likely drew you into your field and allowed you to advance is now a waning part of your work tasks."

At some point you realize, leading people can be boring. Here’s how it happens. Most people enter a career field because they love, or at least believe they will love, their craft. Doesn’t matter if it is programming, designing, video production, marketing, construction, IT, web, finance, etc. And if you do well you will likely […]

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4 Ways to Break Organizational Habits
Organizational habits - Don’t keep doing things the same way simply because that’s the way it has always been done.

The first Easter a newly married couple was together, they were eager to celebrate a holiday together. She eagerly planned a traditional dinner of ham and all her favorite dishes that she grew up enjoying on this holiday. Just like her mother taught her, she cut the ends off the ham, discarded them, and put […]

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Leaders: Evaluate Processes, Not Just People
Leaders need to evaluate processes in relationship to the whole and with a bent towards simplicity.

Do you hate unnecessary steps in processes? I do. Years ago I inherited my grandfather’s boat and trailer from my father. It wasn’t much, just a twelve foot Jon boat on a used trailer. But both the trailer and the boat are considered “vehicles” and therefore have to be registered with the state via my […]

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